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CS:S ZR Server Manager
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ire last won the day on April 22

ire had the most liked content!

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  1. *32, but yea, seems like you are missing from the winners. Rewarded now!
  2. In addition to what has been said before, this player had the honour to be the first player ever to be banned from using props and moving them. He is now restricted for 1 week due to severe trolling.
  3. The applicant decided to withdraw the application
  4. Since the 2nd map was unplayable, we only played event 2 maps and extended the last one to make up the lost time and increased the number of winners from 5 to 7 per map. Winners rewarded as follows:
  5. Thanks for the suggestion, maybe I will make something like this if it's preferable to use the command as a bind.
  6. There are a few questionable things regarding the application. First of all, in theory you have enough connection time required but in practice you have pretty much just afked in spec for the majority of the time, having 16-22 hours a day inflating the stats. This can be confirmed by looking at the event history on stats page. Even if you had played those 125 hours during past 7 days you still only have 19 entries to the server this year that make up a couple of hours of connection time. That doesn't really indicate that kind of activity and interest towards the server we expect to see from admins when they are applying. We don't expect anyone to play 24/7 but we expect at least some kind of consistency regarding activity on the server. Also some kind of reckless and unwanted behaviour can bee seen by spamming other people in their DM to support your application and for whatever reason the age is not in accordance with your previous application. Based on these factors, the application is denied.
  7. After reviewing the case, the application is accepted
  8. Hello, I agree that he spammed torchlight way too much in this case, but spamming the "n-word" has no more emphasis, it's as bad any other spam. I will talk with him about the incident. Regarding your gag, it's justified since you should have not insulted him. However I decreased the length to 30 minutes.
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